Sunday, March 23, 2008

How Time Flies When You're Feeling Bad!!

I went to the blog today and saw that I hadn't written for almost 2 weeks. We do work hard here and evenings are really let down time. Mom and dad came back last Sunday from their train trip up north. Mom came down with pneumonia when they returned. I got what I believe is a sinus infection and was in bed Wed-Sat. I still feel lousy and am debating whether to go work tomorrow. I keep my self up at night coughing which really wears one out. So I'll see how I feel in the morning.
When I was working, we painted a kitchen in South Camp. It is purple, but it is clean and looks great. Some of the other volunteers ladies were sanding rusty legs on the stainless steel equipment in the kitchen. They then painted them and they look as good as new. We also had to repaint about 70 table legs that got splattered with floor paint. It is a wonderful group of people to work with here. I think it would be neat if young people could come here and be mentored by such hard working older people. Some of these people have health issues such as heart, sight, etc and they are amazing the way they keep going and giving.
I was priviledged to work in the cafe a few nights. Nothing great about that in itself, but the majority of the clientel were blind. It makes you really have to think about handing them a drink or giving their change. Most who were totally blind had guides or guide dogs. Several of them had been sighted at one time and now have macular degeneration. They can only see off to the sides, not straight ahead. One lady came in daily and we got to talking. She crochets by feel. She lost her sight about 10 years ago. She gave me some coasters she had made. When I asked her how much they were, she said she never charges, she just likes to make them and give them away. I enjoyed myself immensely.
We did go to church this morning to celebrate our wonderful Saviors' resurrection. It was wonderful to fellowship with other believers and hear the word of the Lord again. We haven't been able to attend anywhere for several weeks and it was like a drink of cold water. People were friendly. The thing I miss most about a home church is that you don't know anyone and can't stand around afterwards and visit.
We will leave on Sunday the 31st and head back to Indy, making a few stops along the way. Maybe I will be able to breath again by then!!
Gary had been working with another man on a tile job at the camp directors house. He is a jack of all trades. He had remodeled our two bathrooms in our stick house when we were getting ready to put it on the market. He did tile work in both and it was beautiful.
Talked to our girls today. This is another first holiday without the kids. Our youngest was making candles when we called. She said she was thinking about when they were little and we would hide eggs and baskets for them . She had to work today. Our middle daughter called us and said she starts her new job on Tuesday. So glad she finally found a job. They will give her a car and insurance and gas. That is great for a starter job. Our oldest daughter said they had an egg drop at their church. A helicopter dropped plastic eggs on ther grounds. I'm not sure how that works but she said it was better than she thought it would be.
The weather today was just beautiful. Warm breeze(except the pollen was high) about 79 degrees and a sunny sky. I did make a pork loin roast in the slow cooker, some mashed potatoes, veggies and a luscious dessert today. Our neighbors came over for some dessert and ice cream and we sat outside for a while, but I finally had to come in as the pollen was really getting me coughing.
Spent the evening making phone calls, doing some computer stuff, and watching our favorite show, Extreme Makeover, Home Edition. My hubby tears up almost every week. He is so tender hearted. Oh, I forgot to mention, he did the dishes for me after supper, since I'm feeling lousy. What a sweetie!
Well, goodnight for now, and remember, this place is not our home, we're just passing through.....

1 comment:

Randy and Terry said...

Sally, it's been awhile since you've posted. I sure hope you're feeling well and you and Gary are just having a great time on the road. Take care.
