Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Passing of a fatherly uncle

We received a phone call today we had been expecting. Gary's uncle passed away this am. He was more like a father to my husband. We had been able to visit him 3 times since we arrived here in April. What made is extra special was that he had been alert and communicative each time. When we talked to his daughter, she would tell us that the day before we visited,(all three times) he had been unresponsive and they thought that he was going to be gone before the next day. So my hubby was able to relay to unc how much he loved him and appreciated all his fathering. aThe last time we visited him at the hospice he actually looked better than he had for months. We haven't cried yet. Gary is remembering him fondly and thanking God for the blessing he was to him.
Mothers Day was really nice. We invited Gary's mom, his sister and her hubby and our youngest daughter over for grilled hamburgers and bratwurst, potato salad, baked beans, and pineapple upside cake(made by my sister-in-law.) I wasn't sure how we would all fit inside the rv as it had rained all the previous week and was very muddy outside. It worked out great. I love having company. Our daughter was so at home that she fell asleep on the couch for awhile. Just like the old days!!!
Gary continues to work in the barn, hanging plywood and doing electrical work. I worked in the gardens today, but became very tired after a couple of hours and so I've just hung out for the rest of the day inside on the computer. Last week, the day after Mothers day, Gary, myself, sister and bro-in-law, neighbors next door and neighbors on other side went down the road to a neighbors house and weeded her gardens and trimmed bushes. Her husband had passed away 3 days before and it was a way to bless her. Working with others, and blessing someone in such a way is what this is all about.
Just heard on the news tonight that the Superbowl is going to be played here in Indy in 2012!! Go Colts! What a boost to the economy here that will be. We aren't big football fans, but when the Colts played in the Bowl the past two years, we watched and cheered with the rest of you all. It really is (was) a great place to live.
We've been eating at home more, plus my sister-in-law has us for dinner about 3-4 nights a week. I think it is her way of thanking us for all the work Gary is doing here. But we keep telling her we are so grateful for being able to stay here that she doesn't have to do that. But she is and always has been so giving and good to us.
We got a call the other day that surprised us very much. It was from a collection agency. Apparently, we had charged some gas in Jan. on our Shell card. It had been sent to our old address and was posted as not living there. It happened twice. Well, we have not been at that address for almost 11 months and have had our mail forwarded since then. And we have gotten all our bills and several from them since we went on the road. As usual, you have to call more than one number before getting anywhere. Finally, we paid it over the phone. They are sending us a letter in a couple of weeks, and we will then call Shell back and try to get this taken off of our credit report as we had excellent credit and this could possibly effect it.
Well, I'm gonna try to retire earlier this evening. That means before midnight and it is now 11:19, so until nextime, we're just passing through....

1 comment:

Randy and Terry said...

My condolences to you and Gary on the passing of Gary's uncle. It's always so hard to lose a loved one, but I'm glad that Gary has wonderful memories to lean on. Good to hear you are doing well and enjoying life. Take care.