Sunday, February 24, 2008

Busy Week

Whew!! It has been a busy week. On Thursday, Gary and I had to take two residents to Houston, which is about an hour and a half south of us. We had to take one lady to MD Anderson Hospital. I thought Methodist and St. Vincents were big back home. I have never been in a hospital that had escalators in the lobby!!! After we dropped her off, we had to take a man to an orthopedic hospital to pick up his wife, who had just had shoulder surgery. Then it was back to Anderson to retrieve the other lady after her appointment. Easy enough. But alas, when we arrived, she hadn't gotten into see the doc yet. So we sat in the car in the parking garage and waited and waited and waited. After 3 hours, she had finally finished up with the doc and we finally got to head home. So we were gone from 11-7. I felt so sorry for the lady who had the surgery, but she was so good natured about it. And the conversation was sooo good. I don't think that there was a quiet 5 minutes all day. I love listening to the elderly talk about their lives. We are enjoying the traveling, but I think I enjoy meeting the people even more.
Yesterday I was conversing with another woman who was born in New York. She had spent some time in a children's home. According to her, they only were fed 2 meals a day and both of them were cream of rice. They had 2 gowns that they always wore. They were deliced frequently. And they were never adopted out. When I asked her why, she said the home would loose money!
There was a young boy who worked in the laundry there whom never spoke. But at night they would hear him screaming. He had been in a concentration camp and was one who placed the dead bodies in a wheelbarrow and took them to the furnaces. It was told that he had to take his own parents to be burned. What a horrendous burden to bear.
She shared that her grandma took her to live with her. The grandma lived in a three story apt. She said she remembers how they were going up the stairs one day and there was a man laying at the bottom of the steps. He was there every day for about 3 days. She remembers wondering why he just kept being there. Well, the morgue came and finally took him away. She stated he had been dead, just laying there. Nobody did anything because that's how it was in that neighborhood.
I keep encouraging these people they should write a book. I sure hope they consider it.
This is our last week here in Texas. We are enjoying it but we are tired. It has been a privilege to serve these elderly fellow RV'es. If you are a praying person, please remember these in your prayers.
Till next time-------

1 comment:

Donna said...

Goodness! What interesting stories. Found your blog on hitch itch...Have a fun evening.